Monday 21 March 2011

I dream to go to Qatar to attend FIFA 2022!

Qatar is a place that i dream on going with my future Mr. Perfect. Qatar is known for its culture, shopping, sports, leisure and most importantly its hospitable people. Aside from all the attractions, Qatar has been chosen to host FIFA in 2022 and is the number one reason why I dream of going there.

Travel Preparations

COSTS: I am graduating this year, and will be pursuing a career in the finance industry. Five years from now i will be making salary from my full time job, which will be paying for this vacation.

CULTURE: English is the most common second language in Qatar. However if i wanna bargain in the shops I should brush up on my Arabic. 

Arabic 101:

Hello (welcome) - marhaba
Hello (peace be upon you) - assalamo alaykum
Good morning - sabah al khair
Good afternoon/evening - misaa al khair
Goodbye - ma’salaama
How are you? -  kaif halaak (m) / kaif haalik (f )
Please -  min fadlak
Thank you - shukran
Not at all - afwan
Yes - na’am
No - la
I want a taxi - ureed taxi
Right - yameen
Left  - yasar
Straight ahead - alatool
Let’s go - yalla
Finished - khallas
No problem - ma fi mushkila

SAFETY: The emergency number is 999. Qatar is a relatively safe place. Bring an emergency kit just in case.

WHAT TO BRING: Travel documents, lots of sun block, modest clothing and clothes that will keep me cool, camera with charger, my future blackberry with charger, maps and tourist pamphlets.

Qatar Airways

Four Seasons Hotel, Doha

Getting Around

Taxis and buses are the most common way of getting around in Qatar. Knowing the rates and how much money to have on hand is important. Buy 2022, Qatar's road infrastructure and transportation systems would be far more developed.

Current Rates:

Taxi: The meter starts running at QR4 (US$1.09) then QR1.20 (US$0.32) per kilometre inside Doha and QR 1.80 (US$0.49) outside Doha.

Bus:  Fare is currently QR3 (US$0.82) inside Doha City, QR4 (US$1.09) in Greater Doha.

Car Rentals: Some companies that provide car rental services:
Al Mana              
Tel: (+974) 4462 2891
Tel: (+974) 4462 2180
Tel: (+974) 4431 0415
Tel: (+974) 4432 1313
Europe Car         
Tel: (+974) 4443 8404

Experience the Food and Clothing!

Qatar caters all types of international cuisine such as Indian, Italian and Western. Despite all this variety, Mr. Perfect and I will be dining like the Arabs do with traditional Middle Eastern and Qatari cuisine.

Traditional Qatari Dishes:

Harees: soaked split wheat and meat, cooked for several hours

Madhrooba: rice, vegetables, and chicken stew

Mashboos:  meal of mutton cooked until it is incredibly tender, and served with spices and rice
Margooga: meat cooked with vegetables and bread

While in Qatar, my husband and I will embrace ourselves in the traditional Qatar garb for a day. The men wear a white long one piece clothing called a tohb and the women wear a long black dress called an abayah.

The Sand Dunes!

My love for desserts is one reason why I must visit the sand dunes. Riding the sand dunes with your rented 4x4 and an insane driver is a MUST!